Awards Information

Application deadline: March 9th


All awards are for the prior calendar year unless otherwise specified.

Integrity Award –  Click Here to Submit a Nomination

  • One individual or one couple will be given this highest honor we can bestow
  • They should reflect all that Office Pride stands for such as honesty, integrity, servant’s attitude, and honoring God
  • They exemplify our core values [Honor God, Always do what is right, Increase brand value, Demonstrate honesty, integrity, and a hard work ethic, Go the extra mile, Total customer satisfaction, Persevere with a servant’s attitude and Accountability to commitments] in their daily life

Beverly McQueen Brand AmbassadorClick Here to Submit a Nomination

  • One individual company-wide who positively and enthusiastically represents Office Pride
  • They embody Office Pride in demeanor, enthusiasm, leadership, and recruiting
  • They are our biggest cheerleader

Employee of the YearClick Here to Submit a Nomination

  • This recognizes one employee across the Office Pride brand who exemplifies the core values set forth by Office Pride
  • This employee consistently performs well beyond what the job description requires

Manager of the YearClick Here to Submit a Nomination

  • This recognizes one leadership/management employee across the Office Pride brand who exemplifies the core values set forth by Office Pride
  • This manager consistently performs well beyond what the job description requires

Salt & Light Award (formerly Community Service) – Click Here to Submit a Nomination

  • This award is given to 3 franchises for outstanding contribution and community impact
  • Their franchise staff and/or employees have an unselfish devotion in serving others and their community

Vendor of the YearClick Here to Nominate a Vendor

  • Nominations for the Vendor you feel has gone above and beyond to serve our franchisees

Core Value AwardClick Here to Submit a Nomination

  • This award is presented to an individual within the Office Pride brand who showed great tenacity in living out one or more of Office Pride’s core values during the last year

Richard Ollek Training Award Click Here to Submit a Nomination

This prestigious, self-nominated award honors individuals who demonstrate unparalleled excellence in employee training. You must showcase an outstanding training program and its profound impact on employee and customer retention. It should embody the following qualities:

  • Exceptional Training Program
  • Commitment to the Tortal training platrorm
  • Continued Development Opportunities
  • Dedicated Trainers

Dollar Clubs

  • Half Million Dollar Club and up based on invoicing during the prior calendar year

Standards of Excellence

Determined based on the following:

  • Net Revenue Growth of 10% or better
    • Exception – Large Group at $100,000+ net growth (avg. $8,333.33/month)
  • All financials must be submitted
    • Monthly P&L and Balance Sheet
    • Annual Tax Returns
  • Active Participation in AskNicely
  • 1+ years in the system as an owner, with a minimum of $10,000 in monthly recurring revenue at the start of the calendar year
  • Total of 76 out of 100 pts needed

Rookie of Year

Determined  based on the following:

  • Criteria from Standards of Excellence applied to franchisees who began operation of their business between July 2022 and June 2023

Franchisee of Year

Determined  based on the following:

  • This award is given each year to one of the Standards of Excellence winners
  • They will have demonstrated the best overall performance in sales and continued growth, customer and revenue retention, contribution to Office Pride’s corporate brand development and reflection of Office Pride’s Core Values and Mission Statement