Employee of the Year Award

The Employee of the Year Award was established to recognize one employee company-wide who exemplifies the core values (listed below) set forth by Office Pride. This employee consistently performs well beyond what the job description requires.


Any Franchise Owner or Area Developer may nominate one or more qualified employees who exemplify the Office Pride core values. Nominations are open for regular full-time and part-time custodial staff, office staff or managers. Nominations will be received through July 28th, 2023. (Franchise owners and corporate staff are ineligible. Any employee who has been an award recipient in the past 3 years is not eligible.)

Selection Process

Each nomination is screened to ensure that the employee meets the criteria. Nominations are reviewed and the winner is chosen by a confidential ad hoc committee comprised of Office Pride franchise owners. The winner is awarded a plaque at the Franchise Awards Dinner in conjunction with the Annual Franchise Owners Retreat.

Responsibility of Nominating Franchise Owner

Note: this requirement is for an in-person Retreat and Awards Ceremony only.

The Employee of the Year winner must be able to attend the Annual Franchise Owners Retreat to be eligible for the award. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the nominating franchise owner to make travel arrangements and cover all retreat expenses for their employee, if they are chosen as the recipient of the award. In the case that the employee chosen is unable to attend, another qualified candidate will be chosen.